creating New purpose for your Used Materials

Impact Recycling Partners processes and optimizes diverse waste streams for plastic, e-waste, food waste, corrugated materials, and more.

Impact Recycling Partners Logo

Corrugated Boxes & Paper Materials

Flexible Plastic Packaging

Rigid Plastic Packaging

Electronic Waste

ECO-FRIENDLY Material Buying

IRP solutions actively keep waste and reusable materials out of landfills. Impact Recycling Partners implements the highest GBCI standards for every organization we bring on board. By purchasing used materials, we provide them a second life through our innovative waste stream programs tailored to each partner’s needs.

We buy materials from businesses in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and North Carolina, offering a consistent financial benefit. Through our specialized programs, your organization’s discarded materials are transformed into valuable resources. It’s a partnership in making the planet a little greener and giving your materials a second chance at usefulness. Our programs are all about turning what might be considered waste into financial returns.

Interior of a zero waste recycling center

What We Buy

Maximize Your Rebate By Selling as Reusable  Impact Recycling Partners (IRP) offers…

Specializing in Caps, Bottles, Lids, & Other Component Boxes  Impact Recycling Partners…

Achieving Sustainability Through Baled OCC  Impact Recycling Partners (IRP) offers a competitive…

Impact Recycling Partner (IRP) specializes in the handling and repurposing of previously…

Impact Recycling Partner’s (IRP) extensive network of facilities and streamlined transportation system…

Sustainability Objectives Through Plastic Innovation Impact Recycling Partner (IRP) offers a strategic…

Why True Certification for Recycling & Waste Management?

Granting TRUE Certification to qualified businesses helps promote widespread corporate sustainability practices. A TRUE-certified space meets the highest standards of environmental responsibility and resource efficiency. This zero waste-to-landfill certification boasts sustainability, leadership, and accountability for your company. Our Certified TRUE Advisors help create value for businesses all over the U.S., including Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and West Virginia, in addition to:

Save Money

Since waste is a sign of inefficiency, reducing waste reduces costs. Projects often generate additional revenue.

Progress Faster

An effective zero waste strategy leads to larger, more innovative procedure changes.

Reinforce Goals

A zero waste strategy improves your triple bottom line and supports organizational sustainability goals.

Reduce Usage

Optimized recycling and waste solutions use fewer new raw materials and send no waste to landfills or incinerators.

Exhibit Leadership

This commitment shows customers you lead from the front by committing to third-party certification.

Display Proudly

Products manufactured in TRUE-certified facilities can use this watermark to tell their customers.

Implement IRP's Innovative Solutions to Drive Value in Your Waste Stream

Typical waste management consultants fall short of true sustainability. Our Certified TRUE Advisors work towards inspiring a new generation of zero waste companies and commercial outlets. A TRUE certification watermark represents more than an eco-friendly facility. This accreditation shows active effort toward widespread environmental responsibility. Impact Recycling Partners rethinks your commercial waste streams to contain and manage the corporate waste problem. Stop waste accumulation at the source by consulting with certified TRUE advisors at IRP.

interior of a zero waste warehouse