Understanding Recyclable Plastics: A Guide to Identification and Sorting

Understanding Recyclable Plastics: A Guide to Identification and Sorting

Recycling plastics is an essential practice in the fight against environmental pollution and resource depletion. However, the variety of plastics used in everyday products can make recycling a complex task. Not all plastics are created equal, and recognizing the different types of recyclable plastics is crucial for effective recycling. In this guide, we will explore the main types of recyclable plastics, their identifying symbols, and the significance of sorting them correctly to ensure they are processed efficiently.

By properly identifying and sorting plastics, we can significantly reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and oceans. Each type of plastic has unique properties and recycling processes, making it important to understand these distinctions. This knowledge empowers individuals and organizations to contribute to a more sustainable future, where recycled materials are reused to create new products, conserving resources and minimizing environmental impact.

1. PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate)


Description: PET is commonly used in beverage bottles, food containers, and packaging. It is clear, strong, and lightweight.

Identification: Look for the number “1” inside the recycling symbol. PET is often used for single-use plastic bottles and is widely accepted by recycling programs.

Importance of Sorting: Properly sorting PET helps in creating new products like clothing, carpets, and new containers.

2. HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene)


Description: HDPE is a durable plastic used in milk jugs, detergent bottles, and some plastic bags. It is resistant to chemicals and moisture.

Identification: The number “2” inside the recycling symbol identifies HDPE. It can be translucent or opaque.

Importance of Sorting: HDPE can be recycled into new bottles, pipes, and plastic lumber. Proper sorting ensures that it can be processed efficiently.

3. PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)


Description: PVC is used in plumbing pipes, vinyl flooring, and some food packaging. It is known for its rigidity and chemical resistance.

Identification: The number “3” inside the recycling symbol denotes PVC. It can be clear or colored.

Importance of Sorting: PVC recycling is less common due to the release of harmful chemicals during processing. Proper sorting is crucial to avoid contamination.

4. LDPE (Low-Density Polyethylene)


Description: LDPE is used in plastic bags, shrink wrap, and flexible bottle tops. It is less rigid than HDPE and has a lower melting point.

Identification: The number “4” inside the recycling symbol indicates LDPE. It is often found in thin, flexible forms.

Importance of Sorting: LDPE can be recycled into bin liners, floor tiles, and shipping envelopes. Proper sorting helps in reducing plastic bag waste.

5. PP (Polypropylene)


Description: PP is commonly found in yogurt containers, bottle caps, and straws. It is tough and resistant to heat.

Identification: The number “5” inside the recycling symbol represents PP. It can be opaque or colored.

Importance of Sorting: PP can be recycled into signal lights, battery cables, and automotive parts. Correct sorting enhances the quality of recycled products.

6. PS (Polystyrene)


Description: PS is used in disposable coffee cups, plastic food boxes, and packing peanuts. It can be rigid or foam.

Identification: The number “6” inside the recycling symbol denotes PS. It is often seen in both solid and foam forms.

Importance of Sorting: PS recycling is challenging due to its bulkiness and low density. Proper sorting is essential to prevent contamination and facilitate recycling into insulation and other products.

7. Other (Miscellaneous Plastics)


Description: This category includes various plastics like acrylic, nylon, and polycarbonate. These are used in a wide range of products, from sunglasses to computer cases.

Identification: The number “7” inside the recycling symbol indicates miscellaneous plastics. They vary widely in properties and uses.

Importance of Sorting: Recycling for this category depends on the specific type of plastic. Proper sorting ensures that recyclable materials are not mixed with non-recyclable ones.

The Importance of Proper Sorting

Properly sorting recyclable plastics is essential for several reasons:

  • Efficiency: Sorting plastics correctly ensures that they can be processed more efficiently, reducing the energy and resources needed for recycling.
  • Quality: Contaminated or improperly sorted plastics can lower the quality of recycled materials, making them less useful for manufacturing new products.
  • Environmental Impact: Correct sorting helps prevent non-recyclable plastics from ending up in landfills or incinerators, reducing pollution and conserving resources.

By understanding the different types of recyclable plastics and how to identify them, we can all contribute to a more efficient and effective recycling system. At IMPACT Recycling Partners, we are committed to promoting proper recycling practices and ensuring that plastics are sorted correctly to maximize their reuse and reduce environmental impact. Let’s work together to make a difference!

Sustainable Solutions for Moving Companies: Recycled Boxes from IMPACT Recycling Partners

In the dynamic world of moving services, efficiency, reliability, and sustainability go hand in hand. For moving companies in Philadelphia, Tipp City, and Pittsburgh, finding practical solutions that meet these criteria is crucial. At IMPACT Recycling Partners, we’re dedicated to supporting these businesses with a sustainable alternative: high-quality recycled boxes. These sturdy containers not only uphold the rigorous demands of moving logistics but also significantly contribute to environmental conservation efforts. By opting for our recycled boxes, moving companies in these regions can enhance their operational efficiency while making a positive impact on the planet.

Moving companies depend on durable and dependable packaging to ensure the safe and secure transport of their clients’ belongings. Our recycled boxes, sourced through meticulous recycling processes, offer a reliable and cost-effective alternative to new boxes. Designed to withstand multiple uses without compromising on strength or reliability, these boxes reduce operational costs for moving companies while promoting sustainable practices. By choosing recycled boxes from IMPACT Recycling Partners, movers in Philadelphia, Tipp City, and Pittsburgh can minimize their environmental footprint, demonstrating a commitment to eco-friendly operations.

The decision to use recycled boxes extends beyond operational advantages—it’s a commitment to environmental stewardship. Each reused box represents a reduction in cardboard waste, conserving natural resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with box production. By incorporating recycled materials into their supply chain, moving companies contribute to a circular economy, where resources are reused and waste is minimized—a critical step towards a sustainable future.

At IMPACT Recycling Partners, we believe in fostering collaborative partnerships with moving companies to promote sustainability. By providing access to high-quality recycled boxes at competitive rates, we support movers in enhancing their service offerings while aligning with their sustainability goals. Our partnership goes beyond supplying boxes; we provide educational resources and support to help moving companies integrate sustainable practices into their operations, empowering them to lead by example in their communities.

Choosing recycled boxes isn’t just about reducing costs and environmental impact—it’s about meeting customer expectations for eco-friendly services. Clients increasingly value businesses that prioritize sustainability, making recycled packaging a competitive advantage for moving companies. By offering sustainable solutions, movers can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, positioning themselves as responsible corporate citizens dedicated to environmental conservation.

Education plays a pivotal role in driving sustainable change. IMPACT Recycling Partners actively engages with moving companies and their customers through workshops, webinars, and community outreach programs. We provide insights into the benefits of recycled boxes and practical tips for integrating sustainable practices into daily operations. By empowering movers with knowledge and resources, we encourage widespread adoption of eco-friendly solutions, fostering a culture of sustainability within the moving industry and beyond.

As we look towards the future, IMPACT Recycling Partners remains committed to expanding our impact and promoting sustainable practices across industries. By continuing to innovate in recycling and sustainability, we aim to inspire more businesses and communities to embrace environmentally responsible practices. Together with our partners in Philadelphia, Tipp City, and Pittsburgh, we can build a future where sustainability is a cornerstone of every business operation, driving positive change for generations to come.

Choosing recycled boxes from IMPACT Recycling Partners isn’t just a smart business decision—it’s a statement of commitment to sustainability. By opting for recycled packaging, moving companies in Philadelphia, Tipp City, and Pittsburgh can achieve operational efficiency, reduce costs, and contribute to environmental conservation. Join us in making a difference. Choose recycled boxes. Choose sustainability with IMPACT Recycling Partners.

Interested in partnering with us or learning more about our recycled boxes? Contact IMPACT Recycling Partners today to explore how we can support your sustainability goals and enhance your moving operations with eco-friendly solutions.

Together, let’s make a positive impact on our planet—one box at a time.

Discover the Sustainable Solution: IMPACT Recycling Partners’ New and Plain Boxes

In the quest for sustainable solutions and cost-effective packaging, IMPACT Recycling Partners is proud to promote our new and plain boxes. These are not just any boxes; they are the epitome of eco-friendly ingenuity, bringing together quality, affordability, and environmental responsibility.

Our new and plain boxes are sourced from misprints, overruns, or obsolete inventory from cardboard box manufacturers and distributors within our local area. These boxes are in perfect condition with no defects. They offer the same reliability and durability as their freshly manufactured counterparts, but at a fraction of the cost. Plus, with no print on the box, they offer a blank canvas for any purpose you have in mind.

Why Choose Our New and Plain Boxes?

1. Cost-Effective

One of the most compelling reasons to choose our new and plain boxes is their price. At half the cost of manufactured boxes, they offer substantial savings, allowing you to allocate your budget to other critical areas of your business.

2. Eco-Friendly

By opting for these boxes, you are contributing to a more sustainable future. Utilizing misprints, overruns, and obsolete inventory reduces waste and minimizes the environmental impact associated with manufacturing new boxes. It’s a small change with a big impact.

3. Versatility

The lack of print on our boxes means they are incredibly versatile. Whether you need them for shipping, storage, or creative projects, they provide a clean slate for any application. You can customize them with your branding or leave them plain for a minimalist look.

4. Quality Assurance

Despite being misprints or overruns, our boxes undergo rigorous quality checks to ensure they meet our high standards. You can trust that every box you receive is sturdy and reliable, ready to meet your packaging needs.

Who Would Benefit the Most from a New and Plain Overrun

E-commerce Companies

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, packaging plays a crucial role in ensuring your products arrive safely and make a great first impression. Our new and plain boxes offer an affordable and sustainable packaging solution, helping you reduce costs without compromising on quality. Plus, the plain exterior allows you to add your own branding, enhancing your unboxing experience.


For wholesalers dealing with large volumes of products, packaging costs can quickly add up. Our cost-effective boxes provide an excellent solution, allowing you to maintain high standards while significantly cutting expenses. The sturdy construction ensures your products are well-protected during transit and storage.


Distributors need reliable and durable packaging to keep their supply chains running smoothly. Our new and plain boxes meet these needs perfectly, offering a sustainable and budget-friendly option. With their blank surface, you have the flexibility to customize the boxes as needed for different clients and products.

At IMPACT Recycling Partners, we believe in making a positive difference. By choosing our new and plain boxes, you are not only benefiting your business but also supporting a more sustainable packaging solution. Together, we can reduce waste, save resources, and make a significant impact on our environment.

Ready to make the switch? Contact us today to learn more about our new and plain boxes and how they can benefit your business.

Recycling Myths vs. Facts: Dispelling Common Misconceptions

Recycling industrial plastics is a critical aspect of sustainable waste management. However, several myths and misconceptions can cloud public understanding and hinder effective recycling practices. At IMPACT Recycling Partners, we are committed to educating our audience and promoting accurate information. In this blog post, we’ll address some common myths about recycling industrial plastics and provide factual information to clarify these misconceptions.

Myth 1: All Plastics Are Recyclable

Fact: While many types of plastics can be recycled, not all plastics are recyclable due to differences in their chemical composition and the recycling infrastructure available. Plastics are categorized by resin identification codes (RIC), which help determine their recyclability. For instance, PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) and HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) are widely recycled, whereas other plastics like PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) and certain mixed plastics can be more challenging to recycle.

Myth 2: Recycling Plastics Uses More Energy than Producing New Plastics

Fact: Recycling plastics generally consumes significantly less energy than producing new plastics from raw materials. For example, recycling one ton of plastic saves about 5,774 kilowatt-hours of energy, compared to the energy required for producing the same amount from virgin materials. This reduction in energy use also translates to lower greenhouse gas emissions.

Myth 3: Recycled Plastics Are of Inferior Quality

Fact: Advances in recycling technology have significantly improved the quality of recycled plastics. Today, many recycled plastics can match the performance and quality of virgin plastics. Industries are increasingly adopting recycled plastics for manufacturing high-quality products, demonstrating the reliability and versatility of these materials.

Myth 4: It’s Cheaper to Produce New Plastics than to Recycle Old Ones

Fact: While the cost of recycling can vary depending on factors like location and the type of plastic, recycling often proves more cost-effective in the long run. Recycling reduces the need for raw materials, lowers energy consumption, and can decrease waste management costs. Additionally, many companies are discovering economic benefits through reduced material costs and improved brand reputation by embracing sustainable practices.

Myth 5: Contaminated Plastics Cannot Be Recycled

Fact: While contamination can pose challenges, it does not make recycling impossible. Pre-sorting and cleaning processes can effectively handle contaminants such as food residues, oils, and adhesives. Modern recycling facilities are equipped with advanced technologies like infrared sensors and automated sorting systems to manage and process contaminated plastics.

Myth 6: There Is No Market for Recycled Plastics

Fact: The market for recycled plastics is growing rapidly as more industries and consumers prioritize sustainability. Companies across various sectors, including automotive, packaging, and construction, are increasingly incorporating recycled plastics into their products. This rising demand is driving innovations and investments in recycling infrastructure, further expanding the market for recycled materials.

Myth 7: Recycling Plastics Is Not Environmentally Beneficial

Fact: Recycling plastics has significant environmental benefits, including reducing landfill waste, conserving natural resources, and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. By recycling plastics, we can decrease the environmental footprint associated with plastic production and disposal, contributing to a healthier planet.

Understanding the facts about recycling industrial plastics is essential for promoting effective recycling practices and achieving sustainability goals. At IMPACT Recycling Partners, we are dedicated to dispelling myths and providing accurate information to support our community’s recycling efforts. By debunking these misconceptions, we can work together to improve recycling rates and make a positive impact on the environment.

Stay informed and join us in our mission to promote accurate information about recycling. For more insights and updates on our recycling initiatives, visit our website or follow us on LinkedIn.

Cardboard Baling Operations: A Tale of Three Locations – Ambridge, Tipp City, and Philadelphia

At IMPACT Recycling Partners, our commitment to efficient, sustainable recycling is exemplified by our state-of-the-art cardboard baling operations. This blog highlights the excellent work at our facilities in Ambridge, PA, Tipp City, OH, and Philadelphia, PA. We have established robust processes that benefit both the environment and our local vendors across these locations.

One of the key aspects of our cardboard baling operations is our strong partnerships with local vendors. We source scrap cardboard directly from businesses in and near the Ambridge, Tipp City, and Philadelphia areas, providing them with rebates that not only incentivize recycling but also promote a circular economy. By collaborating closely with local vendors, we ensure a steady supply of recyclable materials while supporting the community’s economic vitality.

Transparency is a cornerstone of our operations. At our Ambridge, Tipp City, and Philadelphia facilities, we provide detailed reports to our vendors, outlining the quantity of cardboard received, processed, and baled. These reports offer insights into the efficiency of the recycling process, helping vendors understand the environmental impact of their contributions and the financial benefits of their rebates. This level of accountability fosters trust and encourages ongoing participation in our recycling programs.

The Baling Process: Turning Waste into Resources

At all three locations, the process of turning scrap cardboard into valuable resources follows a series of meticulously planned steps:

  1. Collection and Sorting: Scrap cardboard is collected from local vendors and transported to our facilities. Upon arrival, it undergoes a sorting process to remove contaminants and ensure that only high-quality recyclable material enters the baling process.
  2. Baling: The cardboard is fed into our advanced baling machines. These machines apply immense pressure to compress the cardboard into tightly packed bales, which are easier to store, transport, and handle.
  3. Quality Control: Each bale is inspected to ensure it meets our stringent quality standards. This step is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the recycling process and ensuring that the baled cardboard can be efficiently reintroduced into the production cycle.

Located just outside Pittsburgh, our Ambridge facility leverages cutting-edge technology to optimize the baling process. The proximity to a major urban center allows us to source significant quantities of cardboard, making Ambridge a hub of innovation in recycling. The facility’s advanced machinery and efficient workflows enable us to handle large volumes of cardboard swiftly and effectively, maximizing both environmental and economic benefits.

In Tipp City, a suburb of Dayton, our facility plays a crucial role in the local recycling ecosystem. The Tipp City location is characterized by its strong community ties and commitment to sustainable practices. By providing transparent reports and valuable rebates, we strengthen our relationships with local vendors and contribute to the area’s environmental health. The efficiency of our operations in Tipp City ensures that we can process substantial amounts of cardboard, reducing waste and supporting the local economy.

Our Philadelphia facility expands our reach and enhances our ability to serve a major metropolitan area. Located in a bustling urban center, the Philadelphia facility benefits from a high volume of recyclable materials. The facility is equipped with advanced baling technology and operates with the same commitment to transparency and quality control as our other locations. By processing large quantities of scrap cardboard efficiently, the Philadelphia facility significantly contributes to our overall sustainability goals.

The baling operations at Ambridge, Tipp City, and Philadelphia significantly reduce the amount of cardboard waste sent to landfills. By transforming scrap cardboard into compact, manageable bales, we facilitate its reuse in the production of new products. This not only conserves natural resources but also reduces greenhouse gas emissions associated with waste decomposition in landfills. Our efforts contribute to a more sustainable future, one bale at a time.

As we continue to innovate and expand our cardboard baling operations, we remain committed to enhancing our processes, supporting our vendors, and protecting the environment. The successes of our Ambridge, Tipp City, and Philadelphia facilities are just the beginning. By continually improving our technology and workflows, we aim to set new standards in recycling efficiency and sustainability.

The cardboard baling operations at IMPACT Recycling Partners’ Ambridge, Tipp City, and Philadelphia locations demonstrate our dedication to efficient recycling, community engagement, and environmental stewardship. Through robust partnerships, transparent reporting, and advanced technology, we turn waste into valuable resources, contributing to a greener, more sustainable future.

Green Summer: Practical Tips from IMPACT Recycling Partners

Summer is a time for relaxation, fun, and outdoor activities. However, it’s also a season where our environmental impact can increase due to travel, outdoor events, and more. At IMPACT Recycling Partners, we believe that every small action counts when it comes to sustainability. Here are some practical tips to help you enjoy a sustainable summer while making a positive impact on our planet.

Opt for Eco-Friendly Transportation

One of the most significant ways to reduce your carbon footprint is by choosing sustainable transportation options. This summer, consider:

  • Biking or Walking: For short trips, leave the car at home and opt for a bike ride or a walk. It’s great exercise and reduces emissions.
  • Public Transport: Use buses, trains, or other public transport options when traveling longer distances.
  • Carpooling: Share rides with friends or family to reduce the number of vehicles on the road.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Make the three R’s a part of your daily routine:

  • Reduce: Be mindful of your consumption. Buy only what you need and choose products with minimal packaging.
  • Reuse: Use reusable bags, bottles, and containers. Avoid single-use plastics whenever possible.
  • Recycle: Properly sort your recyclables. Check local guidelines to ensure you’re recycling correctly and consider composting organic waste.

Sustainable Eating

Your food choices can significantly impact the environment:

  • Local and Seasonal: Buy local and seasonal produce. This supports local farmers and reduces the carbon footprint associated with transporting food.
  • Plant-Based Options: Incorporate more plant-based meals into your diet. Plant-based foods typically require fewer resources to produce than animal products.
  • Eco-Friendly Picnics: When dining outdoors, use reusable plates, cups, and utensils. Avoid disposable items and pack out all your trash.

Water Conservation

Summer often means increased water use. Here’s how to conserve:

  • Efficient Irrigation: Water your garden early in the morning or late in the evening to minimize evaporation. Use drip irrigation systems to deliver water directly to plant roots.
  • Fix Leaks: A dripping faucet or a leaking hose can waste significant amounts of water. Fix leaks promptly to save water.
  • Shorter Showers: Try to take shorter showers and turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or shaving.

Eco-Friendly Travel

Planning a vacation? Consider the environment:

  • Staycations: Explore local attractions instead of flying to distant destinations.
  • Eco-Friendly Lodging: Choose accommodations that prioritize sustainability. Look for certifications like Green Key or EarthCheck.
  • Offset Carbon Emissions: If you must fly, consider offsetting your carbon emissions by supporting renewable energy projects or reforestation efforts.

Mindful Outdoor Activities

Enjoying the great outdoors comes with responsibilities:

  • Leave No Trace: Always clean up after yourself and leave natural areas as you found them.
  • Wildlife Respect: Observe wildlife from a distance and never feed animals in the wild.
  • Eco-Friendly Gear: Invest in sustainable outdoor gear made from recycled or eco-friendly materials.

Support Sustainable Brands

Your purchasing power can drive change:

  • Ethical Shopping: Support brands that prioritize sustainability, fair trade, and ethical practices.
  • Eco-Friendly Products: Choose products made from recycled materials or that are designed to be easily recyclable.

This summer, let’s make a collective effort to reduce our environmental impact. By incorporating these sustainable practices into your daily life, you can enjoy all the season has to offer while protecting our planet for future generations. At IMPACT Recycling Partners, we are committed to supporting you in your journey towards a more sustainable lifestyle. Together, we can make a difference!

Let’s create a greener, cleaner world this summer and beyond.

The Rise of E-commerce and Its Impact on Packaging Waste

In recent years, the landscape of shopping has undergone a dramatic transformation with the rapid rise of e-commerce. The convenience of online shopping has revolutionized how we buy goods, but it has also brought about significant changes in packaging practices, leading to a surge in packaging waste.

The e-commerce boom has undoubtedly changed the way we shop, offering unparalleled convenience and accessibility. With just a few clicks, consumers can have products delivered straight to their doorsteps, eliminating the need for traditional brick-and-mortar stores. However, this convenience comes at a cost, particularly in terms of packaging.

In traditional retail settings, products are often displayed on shelves without excessive packaging. However, in the e-commerce world, products must withstand the rigors of shipping and handling, leading to the use of protective packaging materials such as bubble wrap, foam peanuts, and plastic air pillows. Additionally, many online retailers use oversized boxes to accommodate various product sizes, leading to inefficient use of space and an unnecessary increase in packaging materials.

The exponential growth of e-commerce has resulted in a corresponding increase in packaging waste, presenting significant environmental challenges. According to research, packaging materials account for a substantial portion of municipal solid waste, with cardboard and plastic packaging being among the most common types found in landfills.

The environmental impact of packaging waste is multifaceted, encompassing issues such as resource depletion, greenhouse gas emissions, and wildlife habitat destruction. Plastic packaging, in particular, poses a significant threat to marine ecosystems, with millions of tons ending up in the world’s oceans each year.

Amid growing concerns about the environmental impact of packaging waste, recycling has emerged as a crucial solution for managing waste sustainably. Recycling not only diverts materials from landfills but also conserves resources, reduces energy consumption, and mitigates pollution.

Cardboard, one of the most common packaging materials used in e-commerce, is highly recyclable and can be repurposed into new products such as paperboard, packaging materials, and even building materials. Additionally, plastics, including those used in packaging, can be recycled into a wide range of products, from clothing and furniture to automotive parts and playground equipment.

The rise of e-commerce has undoubtedly revolutionized the way we shop, offering unparalleled convenience and accessibility. However, it has also brought about significant challenges in terms of packaging waste and environmental impact. As consumers and businesses alike navigate this new landscape, recycling emerges as a critical solution for managing packaging waste sustainably.

By embracing recycling practices and investing in innovative packaging solutions, we can minimize the environmental footprint of e-commerce while still enjoying the benefits of online shopping. Together, we can work towards a future where packaging waste is minimized, resources are conserved, and our planet thrives for generations to come.

Staying Ahead in Recycling Economics: Your Guide to Harnessing the PPI Report

In the ever-evolving realm of recycling economics, staying ahead of pricing trends is essential for informed decision-making and operational optimization. At IMPACT Recycling Partners, we recognize the significance of the PPI (Producer Price Index) Report in providing valuable insights into market dynamics. Typically released near the first Friday of each month, this report offers essential data on pricing trends across recyclable commodities, allowing businesses to adjust strategies accordingly.

The PPI Report is a crucial resource for businesses, offering monthly updates on pricing trends for recyclable commodities. By analyzing this data, companies gain insights into market dynamics and emerging trends, enabling them to make informed decisions and adapt strategies as needed.

In regions like New York (North East), where pricing for cardboard OCC currently stands at $90-$95 per ton, staying informed about regional pricing trends is crucial. This knowledge allows businesses to understand market dynamics and make strategic decisions that maximize profitability.

Leveraging insights from the PPI Report empowers businesses to optimize their recycling operations and maximize profitability. By staying informed about pricing trends for key commodities like cardboard OCC, companies can adjust procurement strategies, streamline operations, and maintain competitiveness in the market.

At IMPACT Recycling Partners, we are committed to your success in the recycling industry. By providing access to resources like the PPI Report and offering expert guidance, we empower you to navigate recycling economics with confidence. Together, we can drive sustainability, efficiency, and profitability in your recycling operations.

If you have any questions or would like assistance in interpreting the PPI Report and its implications for your business, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to support you on your journey towards a greener, more efficient recycling operation.

Un-Taped Potential: The Value of Once Used Boxes

A 750,000 square foot retail distribution center (DC) gets radioed from their security team that another shipment of manufactured boxes is backing into door number 75. This shipment was expected 48 hours prior, but the team is working diligently to get the product unloaded. The trailer full of 9,000 corrugated boxes gets placed on shelving and prepped to packed good to ship to retail stores. This shipment of boxes costs well over $10,000 to the retailer. While it serves a crucial purpose, it never sees the face of the customer buying the goods packed inside. The monthly shipments of these boxes, for this specific DC, can range from anywhere between 10 – 30 trailer loads per month. Why do these high-cost shipments of corrugated boxes continue…it’s simple, we think it’s the only option. 

The unknown hero – a once used cardboard box. 

Retailers, return liquidators, wholesalers, and companies alike have little to no knowledge of the value that a once used cardboard box can do bring to their organization. In an era where sustainability reigns supreme, lets dive into the benefits a once used cardboard box can bring and unveil the untapped (or un-taped for this matter) potential for your business. 

Savings, on average a once used cardboard box can save companies 30% – 50% compared to manufactured boxes. These boxes are quality checked and every sku is hand touched before it arrives at your facility. These boxes are brought in through contracts, meaning the same boxes will be available ongoing and not a one-time saving.

Quick Delivery Time, manufactured box customers all know that delays are inevitable due to machine time, labor delays, and being inundated with orders. You do not need to wait for a once used cardboard box to be manufactured, they are ready to ship at all times. These boxes can be delivered to your door within 24-72 hours upon your order. 

Sustainability, giving a box a second live provides great economic and environmental impact. Monthly reports are sent to leadership detailing waste diverted from landfill, trees saved, and your positive environmental impact to track sustainability goals. 

This DC could have utilized the same sized box in a once used box at a fraction of the cost. This would have seen the boxes being delivered on the correct day and not cause a disruption on their floor. Lastly, they could have taken a mature sustainable step forward for the planet. 

A box isn’t just a cardboard container: it’s a testament to smart choices and responsible business practices. Let’s make every box count. 

Understanding the Anaerobic Digestion Process in IMPACT Recycling Partners’ Depackaging System

In the quest for sustainability, innovative solutions are emerging to tackle the challenges of waste management and environmental conservation. Among these solutions, anaerobic digestion stands out as a promising process, offering a pathway to convert organic waste into valuable resources while mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. At the forefront of this movement is IMPACT Recycling Partners, whose depackaging process integrates anaerobic digestion to revolutionize the treatment of packaged organic waste.

Anaerobic digestion is a natural biological process where microorganisms break down organic matter in the absence of oxygen, producing biogas and nutrient-rich digestate. Unlike aerobic processes, which require oxygen and result in the release of carbon dioxide, anaerobic digestion offers a more sustainable alternative by harnessing the power of anaerobic bacteria to convert organic waste into renewable energy and biofertilizers.

IMPACT Recycling Partners has pioneered an innovative depackaging system that combines anaerobic digestion with advanced separation technology to unlock the value of packaged organic waste. This process is a game-changer in the recycling industry, offering a sustainable solution for managing food waste, expired products, and other packaged organics that would otherwise end up in landfills.

The depackaging process begins with the separation of packaging materials from organic content. Advanced machinery (our tiger depackaging unit) is employed to efficiently remove packaging, ensuring that only organic matter enters the anaerobic digestion phase.

Once separated, the organic waste undergoes anaerobic digestion in specially designed digesters. Within these anaerobic environments, naturally occurring microorganisms break down the organic matter, producing biogas composed primarily of methane and carbon dioxide.

The biogas generated during anaerobic digestion serves as a valuable renewable energy source. IMPACT Recycling Partners utilizes this biogas to generate electricity, heat, or biofuels, thereby reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering carbon emissions.

Following digestion, the remaining material, known as digestate, is rich in nutrients and organic matter. This digestate serves as a potent biofertilizer, returning valuable nutrients to the soil and closing the loop on organic waste management.

The integration of anaerobic digestion into IMPACT Recycling Partners’ Depackaging system offers a multitude of benefits for both the environment and the economy:

  • Greenhouse Gas Reduction: By diverting organic waste from landfills and harnessing biogas for energy production, the depackaging process helps mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to climate change mitigation efforts.
  • Renewable Energy Generation: Biogas produced through anaerobic digestion serves as a renewable energy source, reducing dependence on finite fossil fuels and promoting energy independence.
  • Resource Recovery: Through the production of nutrient-rich digestate, the depackaging system closes the nutrient loop, enriching soil health and supporting sustainable agriculture practices.
  • Waste Diversion: By separating organic content from packaging materials, the depackaging process enables the diversion of a significant portion of waste from landfills, reducing the environmental burden of waste disposal.
  • Economic Opportunities: The generation of renewable energy and the production of high-quality biofertilizers present economic opportunities, creating revenue streams and fostering local job growth in the renewable energy and agriculture sectors.

In the journey towards a more sustainable future, innovations like the anaerobic digestion process integrated into IMPACT Recycling Partners’ depackaging system play a pivotal role. By transforming packaged organic waste into renewable energy and valuable resources, this pioneering approach demonstrates the potential of technology and collaboration to address pressing environmental challenges while creating economic opportunities. As we continue to prioritize sustainability, embracing such innovative solutions will be essential in building a more resilient and resource-efficient society.

Box Office Specials: Driving Change, One Box at a Time!

In today’s dynamic business landscape, finding the perfect balance between cost-effectiveness and sustainability is paramount. At IMPACT Recycling Partners, we recognize this challenge and are committed to providing innovative solutions to our customer base. That’s why we’re thrilled to unveil our latest offering: our monthly Box Office Specials newsletter.

Box Office Specials isn’t just another monthly email in your inbox; it connects you with eco-friendly packaging solutions. Tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses of all sizes, this initiative represents our dedication to making sustainability accessible and affordable. Here’s what sets Box Office Specials apart:

From compact cartons to large gaylord boxes, our newsletter features a curated selection of recycled boxes in various shapes and sizes. Whether you’re packaging delicate items or bulk goods, you’ll find the perfect fit among our offerings.

Quality is non-negotiable at IMPACT Recycling Partners. Every box featured in Box Office Specials undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it meets our stringent standards for durability and performance. When you choose our boxes, you’re choosing peace of mind.

Sustainability lies at the heart of what we do. By opting for our boxes, you’re actively participating in the circular economy, reducing waste, and conserving precious resources. Together, we’re making a tangible difference for the planet, one box at a time.

We understand the importance of managing costs without compromising on quality. That’s why Box Office Specials offers discounted prices on premium recycled boxes, allowing you to save money while championing sustainability.

Ordering through Box Office Specials is simple and straightforward. Browse our newsletter, select the boxes that meet your requirements, and place your order with ease. Our dedicated team will ensure prompt delivery to your facility, so you can focus on what matters most—growing your business.

Box sizes and locations will be clearly listed from each of our three facilities (Philadelphia, Ambridge, and Tipp City) for your convenience. If you respond to the email with the size and quantity you are interested in, we will send you your custom quote right away. Enroll today by emailing [email protected].

Embrace the future of packaging with IMPACT Recycling Partners’ Box Office Specials. Subscribe today and embark on a journey towards sustainable, cost-effective solutions that make a positive impact on your business and the world. Together, let’s redefine the way we think about packaging—one box at a time.

Stamp of Approval: Understanding a Box’s Certification Stamp

Cardboard boxes, in their myriad forms, hold a pivotal role in packaging diverse items. Yet, amidst their varying thicknesses, designs, and sizes, there exists a subtle but significant feature—the box maker’s certification stamp. Often nestled inconspicuously at the box’s base, this stamp holds the key to understanding the box’s narrative.

Each certification stamp is a testament to meticulous testing and adherence to specific criteria. Before delving into its narrative, it’s essential to recognize the two primary strength tests applied to cardboard boxes: the Mullen test and the Edge Crush Test (ECT)

.The Mullen Test

  • Manufacturer: Among the initial details on the stamp lies the identity of the box manufacturer, providing insights into its origins
  • Thickness: Listed alongside the manufacturer, this denotes the wall thickness, ranging from single to triple wall, the latter often reserved for specialized applications.
  • Bursting Test: Evaluates the box’s resistance to wall punctures, ensuring its durability.
  • Minimum combined Weight Facings: The total weight of the manufactured liner before it’s cut down into boxes.
  • Size Limit: Lists the total sum of the outside dimensions of the box.
  • Gross Weight Limit: Establishes the maximum permissible weight for both box and contents, ensuring safe transit.
  • City & State: Provides the manufacturing location, aiding in quality control and issue resolution.

Edge Crush Test (ECT)

  • Manufacturer: Similar to the Mullen Test, this identifies the company behind the box’s creation.
  • Thickness: Indicates the box’s wall configuration, be it single, double, or triple wall, affecting its strength.
  • Edge Crush Test: Quantifies the box’s strength through a concise two-digit number.
  • Size Limit: Mirroring its Mullen counterpart, this defines the box’s maximum external dimensions.
  • Gross Weight Limit: Specifies the maximum allowable weight for box and contents, safeguarding against overloading.
  • City & State: Identifies the manufacturing location, aiding in traceability and quality assurance.

Understanding the certification stamp not only unveils the box’s narrative but also equips one with crucial insights into its limitations. It serves as a beacon, guiding users through the complexities of packaging, ensuring safe and efficient transit of goods.