Un-Taped Potential: The Value of Once Used Boxes

A 750,000 square foot retail distribution center (DC) gets radioed from their security team that another shipment of manufactured boxes is backing into door number 75. This shipment was expected 48 hours prior, but the team is working diligently to get the product unloaded. The trailer full of 9,000 corrugated boxes gets placed on shelving and prepped to packed good to ship to retail stores. This shipment of boxes costs well over $10,000 to the retailer. While it serves a crucial purpose, it never sees the face of the customer buying the goods packed inside. The monthly shipments of these boxes, for this specific DC, can range from anywhere between 10 – 30 trailer loads per month. Why do these high-cost shipments of corrugated boxes continue…it’s simple, we think it’s the only option. 

The unknown hero – a once used cardboard box. 

Retailers, return liquidators, wholesalers, and companies alike have little to no knowledge of the value that a once used cardboard box can do bring to their organization. In an era where sustainability reigns supreme, lets dive into the benefits a once used cardboard box can bring and unveil the untapped (or un-taped for this matter) potential for your business. 

Savings, on average a once used cardboard box can save companies 30% – 50% compared to manufactured boxes. These boxes are quality checked and every sku is hand touched before it arrives at your facility. These boxes are brought in through contracts, meaning the same boxes will be available ongoing and not a one-time saving.

Quick Delivery Time, manufactured box customers all know that delays are inevitable due to machine time, labor delays, and being inundated with orders. You do not need to wait for a once used cardboard box to be manufactured, they are ready to ship at all times. These boxes can be delivered to your door within 24-72 hours upon your order. 

Sustainability, giving a box a second live provides great economic and environmental impact. Monthly reports are sent to leadership detailing waste diverted from landfill, trees saved, and your positive environmental impact to track sustainability goals. 

This DC could have utilized the same sized box in a once used box at a fraction of the cost. This would have seen the boxes being delivered on the correct day and not cause a disruption on their floor. Lastly, they could have taken a mature sustainable step forward for the planet. 

A box isn’t just a cardboard container: it’s a testament to smart choices and responsible business practices. Let’s make every box count.